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about the artist

hello! my name is jazzriel G., and i am a digital artist. i have been an artist in general for all over 18 years, picking up digital art at around age 14. i don't have a solid endgoal beyond drawing for both myself and for those who like my art enough to commission me, but i have always had a love for character concept art, as that is something i consider my strongest skill. creatures and monsters fall under that as well, though not as frequently.

while i have done digital art semi-professionally for several years now, i still love it enough to hold it close as a hobby as well. i do not see my future as an actual professional artist in the field with a salaried job, but that doesn't mean i'm not open to the potential of it! in spite of limited resources and finances, i will still find ways to create and share what i enjoy most. whether it be stylus to tablet or pencil to paper, i will always have a design idea floating around in my head.

i am 25 years old, quarter native american of the menominee tribe, as well as jewish and scottish. i depend on my art to make an income, as my health isn't the greatest and the jobs i work can make me very sick very frequently. i am currently on a sort of working hiatus, therefore i now have more time and energy to pour into my art and building my reputation back up.

i am the original artist of the destiny 2's moon's haunted comic, which is based off the infamous tweet by justin couch. from that alone, for 2 and a half years, i built up a small community where i did commissions regularly and near nonstop. i aim to revive that and build my social media up more than what i had when i took a long hiatus from art and social media due to burnout.